The Clinical Informatics Research and Development group at Partners HealthCare Systems (PHS) has focused much of its efforts on clinical decision support (CDS). We are looking for your opinion, as a subject matter expert, on the current and future state of CDS, as well as a sustainability model for knowledge-sharing collaborations.

This survey is broken down into the following 5 sections:

              1. Development and Implementation of CDS Content

              2. CDS Services

              3. CDS Quality Measures

              4. Funding and Sponsoring CDS Activities

              5. CDS Consortium Value Proposition

We estimate that the survey should take up to twenty (20) minutes to fill out. Answers will remain anonymous when the results are compiled. De-identified summary results of this survey will be communicated back to the respondents upon request and published in a peer reviewed publication. This survey has gained PHS IRB approval.

You can skip questions if you choose not to answer them. Additionally, as some of the language in the questions may pertain to specific aspects of the industry, if you are uncertain of the meaning of a question, you may choose to skip it as well by leaving it blank.

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