Thank you for your interest in our research study!

In this study, we want to learn more about how often people with high blood pressure make too much of the hormone Aldosterone, which can raise blood pressure in a condition called "Primary Aldosteronism". This type of high blood pressure is common but often not tested for in routine medical care. Making the diagnosis means that specialized treatments can be used to better control blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

We are asking adults with high blood pressure and at least one other risk factor for primary aldosteronism to attend one 30-minute virtual study visit and complete a single blood draw at a local Quest laboratory (or at Brigham and Women's Hospital, if desired). This blood draw will screen for primary aldosteronism. You do not have to come into Boston for any part of this study. We will learn how many people have gotten tested before, how many people test positive for the diagnosis, and how their blood pressure treatment and heart health might change as a result. Compensation of $50 is provided for completing the study.

Please complete the survey below. If your answers indicate that you are eligible for this study, a member of the study staff will contact you. Please be sure to include at least your name and a way to reach out to you!

For more information about our research, please visit our website:

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