Thank you for contacting us about the study. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out the following questionnaire. Please note that this survey is confidential, but you do not have to respond to any questions which you do not feel comfortable answering. You may also contact or 617-724-9458 for more detailed study information.

A screening questionnaire asks you to answer questions about your health and medical history to find out if you might qualify for a study. Our on-line screening questionnaire will be transmitted to study staff using a secure system called "REDCap." There is a small risk that giving your name and/or contact information on the form will result in a loss of confidentiality and/or privacy. We take steps to protect the confidentiality of your information and your privacy. For example, we will destroy any identifiable information you provide if you do not come in for an in-person Screening Visit at MGH. Please note: if you agree, we will keep your contact information so that we may contact you in the future with information about other studies for which you may be eligible, based upon the information you provided.

Complete information about Partners Privacy policies can be found here:

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