Thank you for your interest in the Virtual Young Adult Peer Group Program!

This program is open to DFCI young adult patients aged 18 to early 40s on active treatment. There will be 75-minute Zoom sessions over 6 weeks. Each session will be focused on a certain topic (examples listed below) with additional time to share experiences with your peers. Participants must be willing to commit to all sessions.

A brief introductory Zoom meeting with the clinician who runs the program before the start of the group is required. 

 Please add your name to the waitlist and you will be contacted when the next round of recruiting begins. 

  • Changes and Disruptions
  • Scanxiety and Fears
  • Living With Uncertainty
  • Relationships
  • Communication
  • Making Meaning

Space is first-come, first served.

For questions, please contact the Young Adult Program at

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