Research ELN Exemption/Variance requests will be granted if the review process determines that the laboratory, research group or department:

  • Cannot use LabArchives due to legitimate technical or documented business constraints; or
  • Has sufficiently demonstrated maintenance of data integrity by implementing systems or processes that meet the Research Data Electronic Systems/ELN Minimum Standards.

Approval of Exemption/Variance requests is limited to the ELN Oversight Committee or designee(s). 

  • Exemption to the policy will be granted to PIs with well-established electronic lab or data management systems and processes that meet the criteria set forth in the ELN policy. Generally, exemptions will approved for the duration of the laboratory, research group or department's active projects. Exemptions will be reviewed periodically by the ELN Support Team, e.g., on an annual basis or during award renewal cycles to ensure the systems or processes continue to meet policy standards.
  • Variance requests will be granted for a maximum of one year. The PI of an approved Variance is responsible for complying with all approval requirements, including resubmission prior to variance expiration if an extension is required. Systems or processes approved under a variance may not be modified without prior approval by the ELN Oversight Committee.

ELN Policy (available internally on Archer)

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