NEW: REDCap Adverse Event Reporting External Module - Request for Pilot Users Aug. 13 at 9AM - 10:30AM

We need help testing our NEW Adverse Event Reporting External Module. We're looking for users with:

1) Active REDCap projects collecting Adverse Event Info

2) Are close to study end or have already reported to CT.GOV to use as a test case

3) Are reporting AEs to Partners IRB at Continuing Review

The REDCap Adverse Event Reporting External Module is an application designed to generate Adverse Event (AE) reports needed by Investigators at different time points for different requirements. The REDCap AE Reporting External module can facilitate Investigator and Institutional compliance by facilitating the creation of aggregate Adverse Event (AE) reports for:

1) (CT) AE Results module and 2) AE Continuing Review to the Partners Institutional Review Board (IRB)

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