Session: StudyTRAX Overview | Clinical Studies & Registries: Methods To Increase Subject Retention and Data Quality, And Publish Results Faster

Thursday, September 22, 2022

12:00PM - 1:00PM


Participants will learn methods to:

  • Engage subjects in a portal using incentives, secure communication, and delivery of personally relevant information.
  • Visualize outcomes and automate decision logic to incentivize timely and accurate data entry.
  • Publish results more efficiently by connecting data capture and the analytical process into a single, integrated system.

Summary: The presentation will examine ways to engage and retain subjects in the clinical research process by using a web-based portal that provides subjects with incentives, secure messaging, and personally relevant information based on their own data. It will also demonstrate how to bridge the gap more efficiently between "raw" study data and the end-result manuscript by connecting analytical, text editing, and formatting tools directly within the data collection system.

This presentation is intended for clinical researchers, statisticians, and study coordinators involved in clinical trials, observational studies, surveys or patient registries. Attendees will learn about functionality in a data capture system called Studytrax and view various case examples.

To learn more about StudyTRAX visit:


  • Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
  • Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM
  • This session will be held virtually on Zoom. The link will be sent to those who register with a BWH/MGB-affiliated email address 1-2 days prior to the session.
  • The session will be recorded and posted to the Brigham Research Education Video Library for those who cannot attend.

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