The Postdoctoral Research Fellow candidate is being onboarded as:
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Employee; MGH hired and paid.
Extended Worker; salary funded and paid by external entity outside of MGH.
Which CGM Faculty Member's lab will the Research Fellow work in?
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Alexandre Lussier (Dunn Lab) Christiano Alves (Kleinstiver Lab) Christopher D. Anderson Harrison Brand (Talkowski Lab) Raghu Chivukula Melina Claussnitzer Susan L. Cotman William Crowley Mark Daly Alysa Doyle Erin Dunn Florian Eichler Jose C. Florez Tian Ge Kathryn Gray Yulia Grishchuk James Gusella Stephen J. Haggarty Konrad Karczewski Rakesh Karmacharya Raymond J. Kelleher III William Taylor Kimberly Ben Kleinstiver Jong-Min Lee Phil Hyoun Lee Alexandre Lussier (Dunn Lab) Daniel MacAurthur Marcy E. MacDonald Alicia Martin Vamsi K. Mootha Ricardo Mouro Pinto Patricia Musolino Pradeep Natarajan Benjamin Neale Annie O'Donnell Christopher Newton-Cheh Aarno Palotie Roy H. Perlis Vijaya Ramesh Heidi L. Rehm Elise Robinson Jonathan Rosand Kaitlin Samocha Richa Saxena Jeremiah Scharf Ihn Sik Seong Brian Skotko Susan A. Slaugenhaupt Jordan W. Smoller Alexander Soukas David Sweetser Michael Talkowski Miriam Udler James Walker Vanessa Wheeler Wei Zhou
Name of who should be contact for correspondence in the lab (if not the PI directly). Please include MGH User ID or name & email address.
Candidate's First Name
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Candidate's Last Name
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Candidate's External Email Address
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Please upload the candidate's CV
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Anticipated start date.
The appointment process takes 2-4 months from the date the appointing home department receives all documentation and initiates request with the CCO (Central Credentialing Office). For Fellows still awaiting their defense date, the credentialing application will not be submitted until proper documentation has been obtained showing MD/PhD degree. Appointing department will confirm official start.
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Today M-D-Y
Where will the candidate's desk/office be located?
Please note, Jim Mull will review space assignments and contact you if he has any questions.
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What department should the candidate be appointed to?
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Template MGH Research Fellow Offer Letter
Template Psychiatry Research Fellow Offer Letter
Offer letter - Please upload a copy of the offer if available.
Or email Lina when available
IMPORTANT: Start dates must be at least 4 months in the future. Candidate who are awaiting their degree will need to be scheduled for a start AFTER their defense date.
For Research Fellows (Trainees) being onboarded with an HMS appointment in the Department of Medicine, a Unit Chief letter is required.
Please follow the link below to the CGM Website, to upload a copy of the DOM_Unit Chief Letter_Trainees/ResearchFellow template. You may also reach out to for help.
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The Department of Psychiatry we will review the drafted offer letter in the PATH System (Psychiatry's online system), and obtain leadership approval before extending the official offer to the candidate.
Megan Shea will then reach out to the candidate directly to begin the appointment process, once the offer letter has been approved by Psychiatry Leadership, she will work with the candidate to obtain counter-signature.
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I understand that the CGM PI, Faculty or Staff, will NOT extend an offer letter to the candidate. I understand CGM HR will enter my request into the PATH system and the Department of Psychiatry will reach out to the candidate directly, with the official offer letter, and confirm official start date.
Please use the templated offer letter word document available here, and upload in next section.
Please upload the drafted "Research Fellow Psychiatry Offer Letter" here.
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Please use the templated Non-employee Research Fellow letter below, to draft your invitation:
Please upload your drafted Letter of Invitation for your incoming Non-Employee Research Fellow:
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What is the candidate's mailing address (we must have this to generate the offer letter in PATH)
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What is the candidate's most current degree?
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I confirm the appointment will be non-clinical
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I confirm the title will be Research Fellow
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What program will the employee be working in?
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ACT Adult OPD Adult OPD supervision Adult training Anxiety APS APS Emergency Psy- PO ARMS ARMS - Addiction recovery mgmt service Benson Henry Institute BHI Bipolar Bipolar Clinic Initiative Blake 11 BMED Bressler Autism Program Bridge clinic Bulfinch Program CAM Cancer Center CATSD Center for Law, Brain Center of Excellence for Psychosocial and systemic research Charlestown Charlestown Health Center Chelsea Chelsea Health Center Chelsea health center training Child CBT Child Outpatient practice Child training CNY research Consultation-Liaison service Consolation Liaison trainees CPRP/Cardiac Psychiatry research program DBT DCRP DCRP-PO Depression Easting disorders Eating disorders training Family FEPP General Psychiatry Practice Genetics Geriatric Global Psychiatry Graduate Group Harris Center Home Base Home base trainees Integrated brain Health Clinical Law/Child Leadership LEAP LEAP training LPS Lurie Center MCPAP MGPA Neuro Neuromodulation Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychology fellowship OCD PAC PAC training PED-neuro Pedi psycho pharm Perinatal Primary care Psych & med Psychiatry IP Associates Psychology Intem training Recovery Research Institute Revere Schizophrenia Somatic therapy Spaulding Spaulding Behavioral Med Think Kids Transplant Urgent Care Weight Center West End Womens Health
Does the candidate require Child Clinical Privileges?
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I confirm the employee will be full time.
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Please provide a description of duties/responsibilities. Include information on the project they will be working on.
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What is the intended starting annual salary?
*Must meet at least the minimum Post-Doc Fellow Salary Policy
Base Year - Minimum NIH Required Salary as of 10/01/2024:
PGY-0 $70,000
PGY-1 $71,750
PGY-2 $73,544
PGY-3 $75,382
PGY-4 $77,267
PGY-5 $79,198
PGY-6 $81,178
PGY-7 $83,208
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What fund(s) should be used for salary?
If multiple funds used, please include percentage amount per fund number.
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Does the candidate currently have authorization to work in the U.S.?
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Current Work Authorization Type:
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U.S. Citizen
Green Card/Permanent Resident
J-1 Visa
H1B Visa
Other Visa Type
Please specify other Visa type authorization:
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Will the candidate need visa sponsorship to work at MGH-CGM?
New & Transfer J1 Visas: All forms in this group must be complete, correct, and routed to GPS at least 90 days before the program start date requested. (Exceptions are available for Canadians.)
New H1B Visas: All forms in this group must be complete, correct and routed to the GPS at least 6-7 months before the program start date requested (and/or before the end of a current J1 Visa).
Transfer H1B Visas: All forms in this group must be complete, correct and routed to the GPS at least 4 months before the program start date requested.
The pandemic has increased visa processing times.
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What type of Visa sponsorship will the candidate require?
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J-1 Research Scholar (1-5 year maximum)
J-1 Short Term Scholar (6 months or less)
J-1 Visa Transfer from outside of MGH
H1B Visa, NEW
H1B Visa Transfer from outside of MGH
Citizens of the below countries require Export Control clearance from your hospital's compliance department.
Is the incoming candidate OR their dependents (i.e. any individual listed on the Dependent such as spouse or child) have a Country of Citizenship that appears on the Export Control list below?
The Balkans, defined as:
--Bosnia and Herzegovina
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa)
North Korea
South Sudan
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If you answered 'YES' to the above question regarding Export Control Approval, please note the country of citizenship of your candidate, in the text box.
Citizens of the following countries require Export Control clearance from your hospital's compliance department:
The Balkans, defined as:
--Bosnia and Herzegovina
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa)
North Korea
South Sudan
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Title of project/grant the Fellow will be working on:
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Provide the InfoEd proposal number/fund number:
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Are there publishing restrictions for the individual?
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Will this individual share data with other individuals or with the research community?
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Who will the data be shared with?
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Will this individual have access to or involvement in creating non-commercial propriety equipment, items, and/or software?
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Will this individual have access to or involvement in creating equipment requiring certification (i.e. radiation, laser)?
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If fabricating, please describe his/her involvement/access.
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Will this individual have access to commercial products not being used in the prescribed way (i.e. equipment be deconstructed)?
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GPS uses eShipGlobal to send the initial DS-2019. Exchange Visitors pay for this service themselves.
However, if the EV's first DS-2019 requires correction/replacement/etc. before his/her arrival at Mass General Brigham, GPS will bill you for the mailing expense of that subsequent document.
Please provide a sundry fund number to cover expenses if required.
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Please provide a sundry fund number to cover the below noted expenses for the H1B Visa:
$460 Application Fee
$500 Anti-fraud Filing Fee
$2500 Premium Processing (if required)
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What percentage of time will the Exchange Visitor spend on RESEARCH?
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What percentage of time will the Exchange Visitor spend on OBSERVATION?
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What percentage of time will the Exchange Visitor spend on TEACHING?
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Will this Exchange Visitor perform responsibilities that are consistent with a Technician, Technologist, Research Coordinator, or any administrative role?
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Explain the goal of the research project that the Exchange Visitor will partake in:
What is the specific project?
What is the goal?
How will it advance the field?
If they are enrolled in a degree program, how is the time here related to their degree?
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Please provide a brief summary description of the Exchange Visitor's proposed research responsibilities:
What will they do while here? Please describe the anticipated daily research activities.
What research methods will be used? Please note the skills, techniques, tools, and/or technologies used.
How will data be collected? (Examples might include animal studies, wet lab work, analysis of existing medical records, clinical research, etc.)
What skills will the EV gain? How will the project relate to the EV's thesis, if applicable?
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Please describe ALL anticipated contact with human research subjects. "Contact" includes but is not limited to activities such as:
Any physical contact, including placing sensors
Collection of biospecimens
Conducting scans/imaging
Brain stimulation or similar techniques
Psychological or psychiatric interventions.
Please also note if the Research Fellow is strictly shadowing.
If the Research Fellow will have NO involvement with human research subjects please write "N/A".
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The U.S. Department of State requires your department to verify potential J-1 Exchange Visitors' English language proficiency by an objective measurement when screening for program eligibility (22 CFR 62.10(a)(2)). Their English must be proficient enough to communicate effectively in English while in the lab and in the broader Boston-area community.
As required by U.S. federal regulations, I confirm that this Exchange Visitor has sufficient English language ability to engage in his/her program at a Mass General Brigham institution and to function in daily life in the U.S.
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Which objective measurements were used to verify his/her English proficiency?
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The EV's first language is English (U.K., Australian, etc. passport)
In-person interview conducted in English
Videoconference conducted in English
Telephone interview conducted in English (only if videoconferencing is not available)
EV submitted a copy of results from a standardized English Language Proficiency Test
EV submitted signed documentation (i.e. diplomas, transcripts, proof of employment, etc.) from an English-speaking academic institution
Date of interview via in-person, video conference or telephone.
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Today M-D-Y
Who conducted the interview?
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I confirm that documentation of this interview is on file and can be produced if requested by the U.S. Department of State, the Partners Office for International Professionals and Students, or other organization.
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Please note which visa type the employee will require.
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Has the Research Fellow has provided signed documentation (i.e. diplomas, transcripts, proof of employment, etc.) from an English-speaking academic institution?
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What type of English-speaking institution is this school?
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English as-a-second-language institution
A university in a nation where English is the primary language (U.K., Australia, etc)
A university where English is the documented language of instruction
If the Research Fellow has not provided signed documentation (i.e. diplomas, transcripts, proof of employment, etc.) from an English-speaking academic institution - please submit a completed ENGLISH ASSESSMENT FORM and email directly to Karolina Ballester-Pagan at
This is a requirement for J1 Visa applications.
Will the Fellow be working at any other onsite locations, in addition to the MGH? (Ex. BWH, Broad, etc)
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Please list each address where the Fellow will perform research.
This includes research locations within our hospital campus and regularly-scheduled research that may take place at non-Mass General Brigham sites.
Please write out the full name of the institution (if not MGH) with street #, street name, city, state and zip code, for each location.
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How many hours per 40hr week, will the employee work at each site?
MGH 25hrs
Broad 10hrs
BWH 5hrs
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Please explain in 1-2 sentences why the activity must take place at other sites, in addition to activity at the MGH.
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Where will the Fellow perform their daily, regular job duties?
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Onsite Only, -MGH CGM 185 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114-
Remote Only -Employee's U.S. home address-
Onsite & Remote
For HMS - Appointment Rationale
Please include a short narrative describing the overall rationale for granting a Harvard appointment, including contributions the appointee will make to Harvard and/or its affiliated institutions:
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For HMS - Description of Work/Project:
Please describe the work that will be performed during the appointment, including the direct responsibilities of the appointee. (2 to 3 sentences)
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Please note the name of CGM contact who will complete the PI CERTIFICATION review and sign-off portion of the Visa Application, if not the PI directly.
PI CERTIFICATION requires the PI or authorized delegate to review the full visa application on visa manager to assure accuracy and compliance, and provide signature as confirmation.
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