The Emergency Medicine Network (EMNet), based at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, coordinates multicenter studies on many topics in emergency medicine, including the delivery and quality of emergency care. EMNet performs an annual, national survey to better understand the nature of U.S. emergency departments (EDs). Briefly, we are contacting EDs to obtain some basic information.

Please find below questions that apply to the year 2021 (either fiscal or calendar year is acceptable). If you are unable to quickly find the precise answer, we welcome your best estimate.

The results from this national survey will be used to perform health services research on U.S. emergency care and to upgrade our existing app, findERnow. We hope that you can help us with this short/simple survey as we work to bring accurate, beneficial ED information directly to those in need.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 617-724-4069 or

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