Thank you for your interest in the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial at the MGH site. We are excited to initiate this nationwide trial. Please check the page to view the complete list of sites participating in the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial to obtain the names/contact information of the sites that are closest to you. Of note, every site is conducting the same trial with the same treatment regimens. Click Here for Trial Locations

This form is specific to patients who wish to participate at the MGH site in Boston, MA. We ask that you take a few minutes to read through the eligibility criteria for this study by clicking on the link below. Please note that this is not a complete list of all study criteria. Click Here for Eligibility Criteria

If, after reviewing the study criteria, you feel that you are a potential candidate and are interested in moving forward with our team at the MGH site, let us know by completing the following brief set of questions.

Thank you,

The HEALEY ALS Platform Trial Team at the MGH site

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