As a K-24 PI, you have the option of preparing and presenting a 1-hour lecture or discussion on topics related to the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) to satisfy your RCR Requirement instead of completing the usual 3-part requirement:

1) CITI Online RCR Basic Training;

2) a 4-hour Mass General Brigham RCR Seminar; and

3) at least 4 hours of hospital-based RCR-eligible lectures/discussions.

Please complete the below form to attest that you have taught an RCR-eligible lecture/discussion to fulfill your RCR requirement as a K24 PI (instead of the 3-part requirement).

If you completed the 3-part requirement, please complete the RCR General Attestation Form.

Please note:

If you taught an RCR-eligible lecture/discussion at BWH to fulfill the RCR requirement as a K24 PI, Allison Moriarty should have already approved the topic and session.

If you taught an RCR-eligible lecture/discussion at MGH to fulfill the RCR requirement as a K24 PI, Kelé Piper should have already approved the topic and session.

If you taught an RCR-eligible lecture/discussion at Mass General Brigham to fulfill the RCR requirement as a K24 PI, Heather Cosier should have already approved the topic and session.

Please contact the Mass General Brigham Research Compliance Office with any other questions or concerns.

Thank you!

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