The way that you respond to sleep loss may be different depending on the phase of your menstrual cycle. We are studying how chronic sleep loss effects how you feel and perform on tests during different times in your menstrual cycle. This study involves up to a 3-week screening process prior to an 11 day inpatient stay at Brigham and Women's Hospital. During the 3-week screening process, you will keep a consistent 8-h sleep schedule, including wearing an activity monitor and completing daily sleep logs and call-ins. The inpatient period of the study will consist of 11 days of living in our lab. If you would like to learn more, please download our study description below! We will be studying women who are: • Ages 18-35 years old • Not using hormonal contraceptives or hormone therapy • Healthy (no medical, psychiatric, or sleep disorders) • Non-smokers • Not shift workers Participants can receive up to $5,000. If you would like to participate, please complete the survey below. Thank you!
First name:
* must provide value
Last name:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Where did you hear about the study?
* must provide value
Facebook Rally Craigslist
Female Male Other/Prefer Not to Answer
Do you have a Social Security Number?
(This is for study payment purposes; you do not need to provide it at this time).
* must provide value
Any personal or identifying information asked during
this screen will need to be stored in the Division of
Sleep Medicine Database. Do you give us your
permission to enter information in our Database?
* must provide value
Before booking your first appointment, you will need to be associated with the research study on the
Partners Electronic Medical Records Database. During this process we will gain access to a summary of your past medical record within Partners. Do you give your consent for this to occur?
* must provide value
If you are found ineligible, or are uninterested in this particular study, would you like to be informed about other studies in the future?
* must provide value
Current Occupation
* must provide value
Employed Unemployed Student
Date of Birth
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
* must provide value
Weight (lbs)
* must provide value
Which is your dominant hand?
* must provide value
(i.e. which hand do you use to write, etc.)
Are you color blind?
* must provide value
Have you ever done a Research Study before?
* must provide value
What type of study did you participate in? Please explain. Use as much detail possible.
When was the study?
(month, year)
What type of study did you participate in?
When was the study?
(month, year)
What type of study did you participate in?
When was the study?
(month, year)
Do you have any medical illnesses or problems?
* must provide value
Unsure (requires explanation below)
Please explain.
* must provide value
Are you currently using any medications, inhalers, patches, or hormone replacements, (birth control, for women)?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Today M-D-Y
Today M-D-Y
Did you formerly or do you currently smoke cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or vaporizers?
* must provide value
Which one of the two are you?
* must provide value
Former smoker
Current smoker
When did you quit smoking?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
How many per day?
* must provide value
0 (less than one every day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +
Do you currently use any chewing tobacco, cigars, or nicotine patches?
* must provide value
Have you traveled outside of the Eastern Time Zone within the past 3 months?
* must provide value
City, State -or- City, Country
Today M-D-Y
City, State -or- City, Country
Today M-D-Y
Do you have any plans to travel in the next few months?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Have you ever worked or do you currently work the night shift?
* must provide value
Night shift work is defined as working anytime during the hours of 1:00am and 06:00am. Anything in the last 3 years should be explained in detail.
Today M-D-Y
Are you still working nights?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
How many nights per week?
Which of the following do you have?
* must provide value
Heart Disease
Heart Murmur
Both (Heart Disease & Murmur)
When did it develop? What is the severity?
* must provide value
What kind of lung disease?
* must provide value
When did it develop? What is the severity?
* must provide value
What kind of kidney disease?
* must provide value
When did it develop? What is the severity?
* must provide value
What sort of visual or hearing impairment? If you wear glasses or contact lenses, how much are you able to see without them?
* must provide value
Please explain the eye injury.
* must provide value
What kind of stomach or intestine disease?
* must provide value
When did it develop? What is the severity?
* must provide value
What kind of neurological disease?
* must provide value
When did it develop? What is the severity?
* must provide value
What type of surgery? When was the procedure? Were you under anesthesia?
* must provide value
Please indicate what type of anesthesia you were under and when.
* must provide value
What type of thyroid disease?
* must provide value
When did it develop? What is the severity?
* must provide value
When were you diagnosed with high blood pressure? What is the severity?
* must provide value
What type of diabetes do you have? When were you diagnosed with diabetes?
What type of hepatitis do you have? When were you diagnosed with this?
* must provide value
Which types of hepatitis are you vaccinated for? When did you get your vaccination(s)?
Are you still asthmatic? What type of asthma inhaler do you use?
* must provide value
What sort of psychiatric care have you received? When? Were you diagnosed with anything? Were you given any medications? Please explain.
* must provide value
Which family member(s) have/had a mental illness or disease? Which illness/disease?
* must provide value
Please explain the accident or head injury. Did you lose consciousness? For how long?
* must provide value
Do you track your menstrual cycle?
* must provide value
How often do you track your menstrual cycle?
* must provide value
Every month
Some months
What method(s) do you use to track your cycle? Choose all that apply.
* must provide value
Paper calendar
Electronic calendar
If other, explain:
* must provide value
Date of your most recent period:
* must provide value
Date of your second most recent period:
* must provide value
Date of your third most recent period:
* must provide value
Do you have a regular menstrual cycle? (Bleeding once per month)
* must provide value
Average length of cycle (time between menses)?
* must provide value
The number of days between two SEPARATE periods NOT the number of days spent bleeding during one period.
Average length of bleeding during menses?
* must provide value
Have you ever experienced irregular or abnormally long (>35 days) menstrual cycles?
* must provide value
Have you ever missed more than 3 periods in a row?
* must provide value
Have you ever been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?
* must provide value
Have you taken any reproductive hormone in the past 3 months (e.g., contraception - birth control pills/patches/IUD/injections/implant; fertility treatment; hormone replacement therapy)?
* must provide value
Are you planning to take any reproductive hormones in the next 3 months?
* must provide value
Are you currently using any medications, inhalers, patches, or hormone replacements (other than what you may have reported above)?
* must provide value
Are you currently pregnant or do you plan to become pregnant within the next few months?
* must provide value
Have you been pregnant and/or breastfeeding within the past 6 months?
* must provide value
How many times per week do you typically drink alcohol?
* must provide value
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
How many drinks per time?
* must provide value
0 (I never consume alcohol)
What kind? (example: Beer, Hard Liquor, etc.)
Antihistamines (medications for allergies)
* must provide value
Never A few times per year Monthly Weekly Daily
Sedatives (anti-anxiety agents such as Valium)
* must provide value
Never A few times per year Monthly Weekly Daily
Please specify what medication.
Please specify how often.
When was the most recent time?
Today M-D-Y
Aspirin, Tylenol, other pain relievers
* must provide value
Never A few times a year Monthly Weekly Daily
Please specify how often.
* must provide value
Never A few times per year Monthly Weekly Daily
How often? Please explain.
Health Food Supplements/Remedies (melatonin, herbal ecstasy, ginseng)
* must provide value
Never A few times per year Monthly Weekly Daily
Please specify which supplement or product you take.
How often do you take this supplement?
When was the last time you took the supplement?
Today M-D-Y
When was the most recent time you used marijuana?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
When was the most recent time you used cocaine?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
When was the most recent time you used amphetamines?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
What type?
* must provide value
Were/are they prescribed to you?
* must provide value
When was the most recent time you used ecstasy?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
When was the most recent time you used sleeping pills?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
What type of sleeping pills?
* must provide value
Were/are they prescribed to you?
When was the most recent time you used LSD or mushrooms?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
When was the most recent time you used steroids?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Are you able to stop during, and 3 weeks prior to, the study?
This includes all drugs, medicines, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine products, chocolate, herbal remedies, etc.
* must provide value
Do you have any problems with your sleep?
* must provide value
What kind? Please describe.
How many hours do you typically sleep on weekdays?
* must provide value
How many hours do you typically sleep on weekends?
* must provide value
For how long (years, months) has this been your typical sleep duration?
* must provide value
How many hours of sleep do you think you need to feel well rested?
* must provide value
Do you feel your sleep is inadequate or insufficient in some way?
* must provide value
Typical Bedtime
* must provide value
Before 8:00pm 08:15pm 08:30pm 08:45pm 09:00pm 09:15pm 09:30pm 09:45pm 10:00pm 10:15pm 10:30pm 10:45pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 11;45pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am 12:45am 01:00am 01:15am 01:30am 01:45am 02:15am 02:30am 02:45am 03:00am After 3am Bedtime varies greatly- no "typical" or "average" time
Typical Waketime
* must provide value
Before 05:00am 05:00am 05:15am 05:30am 05:45am 06:00am 06:15am 06:30am 06:45am 07:00am 07:15am 07:30am 07:45am 08:00am 08:15am 08:30am 08:45am 09:00am 09:15am 09:30am 09:45am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am 10:45am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm After 12:00pm Waketime varies greatly- no "typical" or "average" waketime
Typical Bedtime
* must provide value
Before 8:00pm 08:15pm 08:30pm 08:45pm 09:00pm 09:15pm 09:30pm 09:45pm 10:00pm 10:15pm 10:30pm 10:45pm 11:00pm 11:15pm 11:30pm 11;45pm 12:00am 12:15am 12:30am 12:45am 01:00am 01:15am 01:30am 01:45am 02:00am 02:15am 02:30am 02:45am 03:00am After 3am Bedtime varies greatly- no "typical" or "average" time
Typical Waketime
* must provide value
Before 05:00am 05:00am 05:15am 05:30am 05:45am 06:00am 06:15am 06:30am 06:45am 07:00am 07:15am 07:30am 07:45am 08:00am 08:15am 08:30am 08:45am 09:00am 09:15am 09:30am 09:45am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am 10:45am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm After 12:00pm Waketime varies greatly- no "typical" or "average" waketime
Would you be able to keep a regular 10-hour sleeping schedule for at least one week prior to staying in the lab?
* must provide value
When was the last time you stayed up all night (or much later than usual)?
* must provide value
Today D-M-Y
Aside from the above questions, is there anything else that you would like us to know in order for us to help determine your eligibility?
* must provide value
Best email address to contact you:
* must provide value
Best phone number to contact you:
* must provide value
Text messages by mobile/cell phones are a common form of communication. This research study involves sending you text messages that are relevant to the research study. Texting over mobile/cell phones carries security risks because text messages to mobile/cell phones are not encrypted. This means that information you send or receive by text message could be intercepted or viewed by an unintended recipient, or by your mobile/cell phone provider or carrier.
Below are some important points about texting in this research study.
• Text messages are not encrypted, and therefore carry security risks. This research study and Mass General Brigham are not responsible for any interception of messages sent through unencrypted text message communications.
• You will be responsible for all fees charged by your carrier's service plan for text messaging. This research study and Mass General Brigham are not responsible for any increased charges, data usage against plan limits or changes to data fees from the research texts (Include language if participants are paid/given stipends to cover potential charges).
• Text messages will only be read during regular business hours. Texts sent on nights or weekends will not be read until the next business day.
• Text messaging should not be used in case of an emergency. If you experience a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department.
• You may decide to not send or receive text messages with staff associated with this research study at any time. You can do this in person or by sending the research number a text message that says "Stop Research Text."
• Your agreement applies to this research study only. Agreeing to other texts from Mass General Brigham, for example appointment reminders, is a separate process. Opting out of other texts from Mass General Brigham is a separate process as well.
• It is your responsibility to update your mobile/cell phone number with this research study in the event of a change.
I have been informed of the risks and other information covered above and consent to the use of unencrypted text communications associated with this research study.