Hello and thank you for your interest in the Medical Cannabis and Behavioral Support for Reduction of Pain and Opioid Dose study!

The purpose of the study is to learn how medical marijuana may affect opioid use and pain. The goal of this study is to see whether medical marijuana might help people taper their dose of opioid medications, while receiving support from clinicians to manage pain. Tapering from a medication means gradually reducing your dose. Research has shown that tapering to a reduced dose of opioids may have significant health benefits. Tapering is an optional choice every four weeks throughout the study, and you will have opportunity to discuss your opioid dosage with a clinician on a weekly basis during the study program. All tapers will be optional. You will never be required to taper.

This program is called Prescription Opioid Tapering Support (POTS), which is a behavioral pain management and group support program aimed at helping you reduce your daily dose of opioid medication. The POTS program will take place weekly over teleconference for 26 weeks. During this meeting, you will have discussions with a trained clinician and other participants regarding opioid use, pain management, and other topics.

This study consists of eight visits either in person or via zoom over the course of 6 months and 26 weekly sessions of the POTS program. Most of the in-person visits last about one to one and a half hours. During the visits, you will participate in interviews, fill out questionnaires, and play some games on a computer. Each POTS session will last approximately one hour and will include group discussions on opioid use and pain management.

You must answer all of the questions to submit this survey. However, you are welcome to elaborate on any responses over the phone. If you prefer to answer these questions over the phone, please contact the study coordinator:

Bryn Evohr
Phone: (617) 643-4537
Email: bevohr@mgh.harvard.edu

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